Sunday, April 29, 2007

OOPs...... Concepts

Hey guys!!!!

Very soon I will be posting some very nice stuff on Object Oriented concepts, so watch this place for more.


Basic .NET questions.

1. Difference between the primary key and secondry key.
2. New Features in Visual Studio 2005.
3. What is clustured Index.
4. What are clustures.
5. How is erro handling in SQL Server done.
6. How is concurrent updates handled in Applications OR explain the functioning of TimeStamp.
7. Explain CLS and CTS in .NET.
8. What are the functioning of dispose and finalize methods in c#.
9. What is Garbage collector in .NET.
10. Explain the archtecture of your last project in detail.
11. I have implemented Active Directory in my application what could be the reason.
12. Explain the functioaing of MSIL in .NET.
13. Is Garbage collection gauranteed in .NET.
14. Are private members inherited in .NET.
15. What are the differences between the Web.config and machine.config.
16. how many types of assemblies are there.
17. What are satellite and shared assemblies.
18.How is .NET Remoting Hosting is done and how have you implemented it in your project
19. How to implement COM+ ?
20. How to implement Webservices?
21. You have a User Control and you place that user control on the web page but there was no object created in the code behind, what could be the reason?
22. You have a check box in the web page and you are not able to debug it what could be the reason?
23. Find the 6th heightes salary from the employee table?
24. Current project architecture
25. how many types of hosting are there? related to .NET Remoting?
26. What is a view state in ASP.NET?
27.What is caching and how many types of caching are there in ASP.NET
28.Why you want to leave existing organization? justify?
29.What type of projects are used for .NET Remoting?
30.Where are you hosting your .NET remoting server?
31.What are services.
32.What are Stored Procedures?
33.What is the difference between Stored Procedure and Functions?
34.What are the difference type of Triggers?
35.Explain Indexing in SQL Server.
36.Query to get the nth record from the database.
37.Questions related to Data Grid Control.
38. Where is the view state of the page maintained.

39. Archietecture of current/Existing Project
40. How Active directory is implemented in the project.
41. What .NET classes are used to implement the Active Directory in your project.
42. What are the inputs to communicate with active directory like username, password etc.
43. Differences between ADO.NET a and DAO OR difference between connected and disconnected dataset.
44. How data is transfered from one page to another in ASP.NET.
45. What are the basic Object Oriented concepts like polymorphism,abstraction,encapsulation etc.
46. how polymorphism is implemented in .NET.Virtual and using new key words.
47. What are design patters and what design patters are implemented in your project.
48. What is MVC(related to design and patters)
49. What are project life cycles? type of lify cyccles? and what cycle is followed in your project.
50. difference between waterfall and regression style of development.
51. What is threading and what are the methods of threading.
52. How to kill / stop a running thread.
53. how is synchronization handled in .NET.
54. What are the important methods of Threading.
55. What is Normalization explain with the help of a practicle example.
56. What does virtual key word used in .NET for.
57. What design patters you have used to migrated stdl files to .NET in your project.
58. What is encapsuation.
59. What are the delegates used for explain in detail how they function internally.
60. How are sessions and application objects used in ASP.NET explain in detail.

Hey Guys!!!! very soon I am comming up with answers to all the above questions....

So, hold your breaths and watch this place for more.
